Personal Financial Planning

JGS Wealth Management

Our Services

We help individuals and families achieve their financial goals and simplify their financial lives by providing comprehensive personal financial planning and investment advisory services.  Our financial planning services include but are not limited to:

Retirement Planning:

  • Determine your retirement income needs.

  • Calculate additional personal retirement savings needed to fill gaps in your future assets and income.

  • Recommend retirement investing options that meet your savings requirements.

  • Advise on proper fund distributions during retirement so that retirement assets last your lifetime.

Investment Advisory:

  • Establish and prioritize your investment goals.

  • Determine your investment policy formula - time horizon, risk tolerance, expected returns and liquidity needs.

  • Provide an Asset Allocation strategy that matches your investment policy formula.

  • Recommend well diversified, low cost and tax efficient investment options.

  • Meet to review investment portfolio performance and discuss changes that may impact your future goals and investments.

Tax Planning:

  • Determine if tax-advantaged investment portfolios are best suited for you.

  • Advise on tax-deferred and tax-free savings options for your retirement.

  • Closely follow changes in the tax law and its potential impact on your investments.

  • Review your assets and future income levels to determine if gifting or advanced estate tax planning is necessary.

Education Planning:

  • Calculate your college savings needs.

  • Recommend investment options that match your savings goal.

  • Help you determine the proper allocation between retirement and education savings.

  • Advise on college loans and repayment strategies.

Please ask if you do not see a service listed pertaining to your particular situation.  Many times we can accommodate the unique needs of our clients.

JGS Wealth Management, LLC